HUMBIRD 1.0 Copyright 1988 by C&P SOFTWARE ============================================================================== Well today started off really shi.....(fill in the blanks) Here we were getting woken up again by the PEN guards for breakfast... BA HUMBUG... Life in the PEN is a bummer. Even us convicts have to pass the time so we decided to pull out our A2000 w/HardDrive and all to animate the workbench pointer. Always wanted to be as free as a bird, now looking at my pointer makes me dream. Besides we had heard that this feat was quite impossible... NOT WITH AN AMIGA!!! (MAC/ST users eat your heart out.) So here it is, just type "RUN HUMBIRD" at the CLI prompt. If you ever get tired of our cute little bird (OH! NO MISTER BILL), you can use the DOS status command to find out what the task number of "humbird" is and then use the DOS break X command and your old (yuchie) pointer will come back. HAPPY HUMMING!!! C&P SOFTWARE P.S.: C&P SOFTWARE is owned and operated by --- Tony Solomon and Paul Fortin (P*LINK ID TONY*S) P.S.S.: Source code (in 'C') available on request. Addendum: 1. Here we are again by popular demand with our little hummer... Some improvements have been made to satisfy those that spoke up. First, our little bird will now follow you in every window of the system so that you do not have to deal with our colors but not our pointer... Second, since we noticed that the colors would go back to the system colors when MouseOff was running, we built in our own mouseoff function. This feature will turn off the mouse after ~10 seconds of inactivity. 2. Once again, HAPPY HUMMING from C&P SOFTWARE. Addendum 19 Feb 88: 1. Known bugs: There are only 3 known bugs at this time, if a window appears under the pointer and the pointer is inactive, the pointer will revert back to the system pointer until the mouse is moved again. The second bug is with Amiga Basic, using the Start menu option will cause a guru. The third bug is more of a intuition bug that we belive that there is no easy fix for. At certain undetermined times, when flipping around screens, the mouse pointer will disappear and will not return until it is on a different screen. Many thanks for all the letters from our friends, and a special thanks to all our beta testers without whom these bugs may never have come to light. If you find a glitch or improve our code please re-post it to People Link from which this program originated. Well thats about it. Please mail any correspon- dance to myself (Plink ID: Tony*S) in relation to bugs, new images, or just idle BS. Enjoy..... Tony Solomon Included in this arc file is a new version, Humbird2.0a which will tuck itself away into memory, and becomes inaccessable to the user. If you use this ver- sion just type 'Humbird2.0a', it is not nessesary to run it. Standard Disclaimers apply: We are not responsible!